4 Tips For Making Your LinkedIn Company Page Stand Out

4 Tips For Making Your LinkedIn Company Page Stand OutDo you want people to take notice of your company LinkedIn Page?

With our list of tips in hand, you can make your LinkedIn Company page your strongest personal branding tool. Our little-known, often-overlooked and seemingly simple tips deliver huge results from very little effort.

4 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Company Page Stand Out + 2 for Even Better Results

1.) Add your company logo and take advantage of of the large banner image. You must have noticed by now that social platforms are offering you the opportunity to really shine with the larger banner image and LinkedIn company pages are no exception. You can also change out your banner image from time to time to offer a fresh approach to your presence.

2.) Add keywords. Remember people and companies are found via search, so by adding your companies key words to your profile will further set you up to be found!

3.) Update and Socialize. You can not post status updates directly from your company page! You want to be sure to ask people to follow your company page, this way any status update you make can be directed to all of your followers or you can target a specific audience within the network.

4.) Get found in your local market – you can add up to 5 locations in your company profile, so take advantage of this listing by populating your profile with zip code of areas you service and want to be found in when a search if performed.

5.) Ask the right questions – Open up the platform that invites your audience to engage on your Company Page.

6.) Don’t forget Calls to Action – Make a strong and relevant call to action on each page.

LinkedIn for Business expert JoAnne Funch explains how to set-up a LinkedIn Company page that will appeal to new followers, draw new readers and generate business leads. If it has been a while since you evaluated your business LinkedIn page? We can help you represent your brand at a top-level that will attract prospective clients. With a bit of know-how, you can expand the reach of your best content beyond current followers and target specific professionals where they love spending time – in the LinkedIn feed.

No everyone realizes that members must be aware of one more very important requirement: you will need an email address with your company domain extension on the end for this to work. Additionally, this email address must also be listed on your LinkedIn profile. We find that email addresses linked to free email services like yahoo, gmail and hotmail don’t work for this.

To own a LinkedIn Company Page, it is not necessary to complete every step. But there are advantages if you do. You may be amazed at the number of opportunities LinkedIn gives you to promote your business from right on your own company page. If you prefer having a professional LinkedIn trainer and speaker to design it or write it, unless you want to.

Under company type and company size, you’ll select from the options that describe your status. Your company website URL link can go to your home page or to a services or gallery page. ~ www.inc.com

Read more after gleaning these 4 tips for making your LinkedIn Company Page stand out.
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Gain a Competitive Advantage with your LinkedIn Page


Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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