Know LinkedIn Search Shows Relevancy

Did You Know LinkedIn Search Shows Relevancy?Know Your LinkedIn Search Shows Relevancy

Did you know LinkedIn has a relevancy formula or secret algorithm when you search for people? According to LinkedIn “Searcher relevance is based on a variety of factors.”

“Before we return results, we consider the searcher’s activity on LinkedIn, the profiles returned by the query, and other members who have run similar searches in determining the sort order. These, along with other factors, combine to provide us with data to improve the overall quality of our members’ search results.” LinkedIn says that it is the order in which the search results are received, the order is determined in part by the profile, activity, and connections of the person searching. Generally your search shows people you are already connected to as a first degree connection and those who fit your “relevancy” results.

If you’d like to know what a LinkedIn professional trainer power user and retrieval geek thinks about LinkedIn’s new search functionality, you’ve come to the right place. After some time reviewing my access to LinkedIn’s new search interface and functionality, and I wanted to share with you my first impressions, insights, queries, concerns, and suggestions for LinkedIn users.

Why you want to dig deeper into the search resultsWhy you want to dig deeper into the search results

Using the advanced search feature will always produce the best results when searching, but did you know that you can see another level of people in a second step to your search? It begins with establishing a solid understanding of your industry market and managing your hiring manager’s expectations from the very beginning.

First step is putting in the search criteria in the advanced search area and the result is a list of 1st degree connections, 2nd connections and group members. Now often times I skip X out the 1st connections because these are people I already know. Then I review the 2nd connections to see who I might want to connect with there. When I have found some people that meet my criteria that I think I want to meet, then I click the “Similar” link under the persons name and LinkedIn then gives me another list of people that are similar to the person I just searched for! – This is brilliant because this can lead you to people who you never would have found in a basic search.

This will increase the potential of connecting with people who meet your search criteria and instantly increase the pool of possible connections!

LinkedIn’s Smart Query Intent Algorithm

Are you aware that the perfect search result page may NOT show the most relevant search results first? I thing about how LinkedIn search shows relevancy that I like to know more about is how LinkedIn’s smarter query intent algorithm executes. My hunch is that’s maybe not something the platform will disclose. I should be stated here that LinkedIn does offer a solution for businesses who seek the ability to search for any individual regardless of LinkedIn network connection – it’s called LinkedIn Recruiter. This may work well for you after college when you are looking for a job.

At the same time, if you’re searching LinkedIn without a paid account, with the new updates, you will no longer find a way to sort all of the results of your search. Some individuals are musing that this leads a hint as to what is missing from LinkedIn’s new search interface and functionality.

For LinkedIn enthusiasts who want to read the official statements and press-friendly insights about LinkedIn’s new search for relevance functionality, you can learn more about the changes on LinkedIn’s blog, TechCrunch,, Search Engine Land, Mashable, and right here. We consider articles by TechCrunch’s as a top source.

“After you enter your search criteria, search insights will show you your talent pool’s current and past employers, years of experience, education, and location via intuitive, interactive, and sharable bar charts.” ~ Social Media Explorer on LinkedIn

“what LinkedIn is really referring to with regard to ‘suggested searches’ is related to new unified search functionality in that if you type in a term or a title into the main search box on LinkedIn, you will see a list of options you can choose from, such as searching for related jobs, people, connections, groups, and skills.” ~

“Relevance is the concept of one topic being connected to another topic in a way that makes it useful.” –



JoAnne Funch, owner of LinkedIn for Business: knows how to make your LinkedIn account relevant and how to make your posts relevant on LinkedIn. Expert in LinkedIn , how search works on LinkedIn , and knows how to best use LinkedIn.

It is important to now LinkedIn search shows relevancy and how to utilize it. Let me know if this has been successful for you by leaving a comment below – thanks, JoAnne

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Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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