LinkedIn Groups Page Updated With new Visuals

Ways to Use New Visuals on Your LinkedIn Groups PageLinkedIn Groups Page Updated With new Visuals

LinkedIn is in the process of rolling out a new look for LinkedIn groups. On August 23, 2013 LinkedIn launched an updated “LinkedIn Groups” layout, adding a top-level redesign with a “beautiful new look and feel”.

The new layout will look similar to the “Who’s viewed your profile page” with images and according to LinkedIn, this has been “designed to help you manage your participation in and discover LinkedIn Groups more efficiently and effectively.”

How to Start Your LinkedIn Group Page

To get started, simply select “Interests” from the menu at the top of your LinkedIn Homepage, then “Groups.” This new Groups landing page makes it easier to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in groups you manage or are a member of — making your time spent on LinkedIn and in LinkedIn Groups, more productive. People like more than well-crafted killer copy; they love the visual appeal of a well-chosen eye-catching banner image. LinkedIn for Business will guide you through the entire process of establishing your Company Page, professional profile on LinkedIn, and help you get it fantastic the first time around. Additionally, read more about LinkedIn’s new home page redesign.

At the top of the page, you’ll see all of your current groups in one place. If the group has new activity, you’ll instantly see the number of updates, new discussions or job postings within that group when you hover over it. We’ve also made it possible to start or join a conversation in any of your groups directly from this page. New to groups? We’ll help you get started by suggesting relevant groups you can join today.

They’ve also added a new conversation feed to give you a quick peek at conversations that took place since your last visit, making it easy for you to quickly jump in. Below is an image of how you will see a quick overview and how you can respond to ongoing conversations you are a part of. This is so much easier and more efficient!!

Ideas for Your LinkedIn Groups Page Updated With new Visuals

Here are a few tips for starting a conversation in groups via LinkedIn to offer you some inspiration

1. Be thoughtful: Starting and participating in conversations within LinkedIn Groups is easy. Ask thought provoking questions relevant to the interest and intent of the group to generate an engaging conversation among members of a group.

2. Be helpful: Groups can be a great way to showcase your expertise on a subject matter – so wherever you can, provide insightful answers that can really help another member. If you’re sharing an article, it’s helpful to provide context on its relevance to the group to guide the discussion or just get things started.

3. Be relevant: Groups are a great way to boost your professional brand on LinkedIn, network with leaders in your field and capture the attention of potential recruiters, employers or business partners in your field — but remember to focus on sharing content and questions that aren’t self-promotional in nature. There is far too much spammy self-promotion going on in groups!

Ways Your LinkedIn Groups Page Can Drive Traffic

Placeut your website link in the group profile

Add your website RSS feed to the News Section

Establish a weekly routine of sending a message to you group

Start a new discussion and include your personal link

Add your website in the group’s welcome message

LinkedIn Group Pages Offer Community Life

LinkedIn groups are a remarkably powerful aspect of LinkedIn. Many LinkedIn users fell it is the leading feature of LinkedIn: the world’s most resourceful network.

Many individuals build their entire business and market an array of products and services, sell out tickets to their paid events, and become niche leaders within a single LinkedIn group. Whether B2B or B2C, individuals enjoy participating in community life, or a “Tribe”, as Seth Godin puts it. The greater your achievement is at successfully bringing like-minded people together, the more you will be appreciated for doing so.

Make Your LinkedIn Groups Page a Visual Beacon

Personally, I like the new look for LinkedIn Groups – it is nicely streamlined, making discussions and comments more prominent and useful.

Your LinkedIn Company Page is an online visual beacon for both prospective customers and prospective employees. As such, it is a truly unique space on the web, one that blurs the lines between knowledge- sharing platform and relationship-building tool. ~ Hubspot

Since LinkedIn Groups Page updated with new visuals, you can take your brand to a new level. To discover new ways to choose what to populate your header image with, you can check out how others are using this feature. Or learn how to stay ….

Services to Create Your LinkedIn Groups Page

Typically we see in almost all group owners, they seem to harvest bonus points due to starting a group, therefore the result is having more connections than the average LinkedIn user. Call us for guidance on how to start a LinkedIn Group.
LinkedIn for Business: 951-902-3263

Since LinkedIn Groups Page updated with new visuals, you can take your brand to a new level. To discover new ways to choose what to populate your header image with, you can check out how others are using this feature. Or learn how to stay ….

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Top of Mind On LinkedIn with Visuals


Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

2 Responses

  1. I don’t find this an improvement at all. It seems to put equal weight on all updates whereas in practice there are just a couple of my groups that I want to see as a priority and the rest can just be picked up when I have time. The icons are far too big and waste screen real estate, and the need to “view more” simply adds an unnecessary click.
    Please revert, or at least give us the choice.
    Ken Leedham

    1. Ken

      thanks for your comment, I do appreciate a different point of view and don’t disagree with the size of the icons. There will be more changes to come so stay tuned!

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