LinkedIn’s Latest Updates: How to Leverage Them for Success

LinkedIn Updates October 2024

[October 2024 LinkedIn Updates] LinkedIn continues to update their platform and as of this date there have been over 200. I typically report on the most relevant to my subscribers and followers. If you have questions about changes you see or wonder about, please contact me.

Desktop newsfeed vs mobile

If you are an active LinkedIn user and want to keep up with your network, I recommend you scan the newsfeed from both desktop and the mobile app. I have found the mobile app shows me more posts from people in my network vs the desktop version.

Why Skills Matter

Having the right set of skills in your LinkedIn profile matters to your getting found in a search, showing others what you’re skilled at, recruiters use skills to find the right candidates and researching others who share the same skill set.

If you click on a skill you have in your profile, you will see in the image below a pop-up box showing the list of terms you can search for with that skill name.

What to do some competitor research? Click on posts that contain the skill term.
What to find people that have a specific skill in their profile? Click on People.

Why Skills Matter in LinkedIn


  1. LinkedIn has removed AI prompts to respond to comments on a post – I would guess people were not using them and thus LinkedIn has gotten rid of this feature. Thankfully they realized we can think for ourselves.
  2. Gold community Top Voice Badges have been dropped as an indicator on your profile that you have contributed to LinkedIn’s collaborative articles.

I’ve not been a fan of collaborative articles, people jumped on the band wagon when this came out with the goal of positioning their expertise and getting a badge for their profile. The program was designed to populate LinkedIn’s AI machine. With that said, I don’t think there was enough variety of people contributing and that could possibly be why LinkedIn is backing off this program.

I never had the ability from the launch of collaborative articles to contribute on any of the categories of my expertise, not sure why I was locked out which makes no sense since I am and have been an active LinkedIn user for much more than a decade.

Gold community Top Voice Badges have been dropped

Updates to LinkedIn’s User Agreement

You have received via email notification of the updates to LinkedIn’s user agreement.
This includes more details on content recommendation and content moderation practices, new provisions relating to the generative AI features we offer, and license updates designed to help creators expand their brand beyond LinkedIn.

LinkedIn states, that “as our product evolves to leverage generative AI, we have given you more information in our Privacy Policy by adding language on how we use the information you share with us to develop the products and services of LinkedIn.”

Generative AI is not going away and those in business should find time to understand what this means and how you could use this for your business. Also understand how AI gathers information and how important it is to understand you are using other people’s knowledge when you access tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini and others.

*NOTE* if you don’t want LinkedIn to use your data for their generative AI, you can turn that off in your settings: Go to Settings -> Data Privacy -> Data for Generative AI Improvement

Data for Generative AI Improvement in LinkedIn

Rolling out on profiles: Connect – Message – More (current)

Rolling out on profiles: Connect – Message – More

Updating to change More to Resources – watch for this change in the coming months
(as reported by fellow LinkedIn trainer Kevin Turner)

Updates in LInkedIn resources

LinkedIn Updates: CONCLUSION

The updates reported here are things most users should be aware of. Forthcoming are updates to your ‘Messaging’ box which will now include sponsored ads. When this rolls out, I will share what you need to know in your settings.

It is important to know about the updates LinkedIn makes to their platform if you want to remain competitive and have the algorithm changes work in your favor.

Joanne Funch, LinkedIn Marketing & Branding Consultant Worldwide

If you have a question about any of these or past LinkedIn updates, how to create more compelling posts or how to leverage your LinkedIn network for leads and sales email me [email protected].


Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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