LinkedIn limits searches & institutes commercial use limits

LinkedIn limits searches and institutes commercial use limitsLinkedIn Now Limits the Number of Searches

You might be an professional LinkedIn user and yet wonder what I’m talking about when I say, LinkedIn limits searches and institutes commercial use limits.

This may or may not apply to you depending on how many searches you perform on LinkedIn. The average user, probably won’t go past the limits, but if you are what I would consider a power user, you are consistently seeking new contacts or leads generated by LinkedIn, than this may apply to you.

If you are doing lots of searches for recruiting or hiring than LinkedIn looks at you as a commercial user and will limit your searches unless you upgrade to one of their paid services.

Explaining the new LinkedIn Commercial Use Limits:

This improved network visibility includes a limit based on search usage. If you reach the commercial use limit, your activity on LinkedIn indicates that you’re likely using LinkedIn for commercial use, like hiring or prospecting. This limit is calculated based on your search activity since the first of the calendar month.

A progress bar appears in your search results when 30% of your searches are left, and continues to remind you in 5% increments. After you’ve reached the limit, you can continue to search, but will see a limited number of results. Your free monthly usage resets at midnight PST on the 1st of each calendar month.

The limit doesn’t affect your ability to search 1st degree connections. Even if you’ve encountered the limit, you may always search your 1st degree connections on your connections page.

Note: We’re not able to display the exact number of searches you have left. Also note the warnings may not display if you run through the full amount of searches too quickly.

The Good News For The Average LinkedIn User

LinkedIn has improved the people search experience. You can now view the full names and profiles of anyone in your extended network (1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree), regardless of whether you’re connected or have a Premium account. Previously you would not see full names on 3rd degree connections.

Here’s a hack for power users

If you are one of the few users who really use LinkedIn aggressively for prospecting, you may want to know about a tool I learned from a LinkedIn group I belong to called 1 Intelligence. They are a search tool that may offer some value. Is it the total answer – NO? But it is worth testing – YES. I know it has been helpful to some users.

Getting better search results through boolean

Boolean logic has been around a long time. I started using it on Google to getting better, more specific results for searches. You can use this same logic in the LinkedIn search bar. The more you refine your searches, the better results you will get.

Here are some LinkedIn search parameters:


Use quotes “product manager” “executive assistant”


Use parentheses software AND (engineer or architect)

(instructional designer OR instructional design) elearning

(human resources) AND “customer service”


AND software AND engineer


OR “Oracle OR IBM”

“Vice President” OR VP OR “V.P.” OR SVP


NOT CEO NOT Owner NOT Founder NOT Consultant

LinkedIn is a powerful search engine and when used efficiently can bring amazingly focused results for people, titles, companies and key words you are searching for.

Job searching on LinkedIn

The obvious best place to start is on the “JOBS” tab located on the top navigation bar. You can start with a job title you might be looking specifically for, keywords that might identify skills or titles and a company name should you be targeting a specific organization. You can refine down to specific location, company size and industry. Pretty powerful tool. Don’t forget to save your most ideal searches. With a free account you can save up to 3 searches, this way LinkedIn emails you when anything new comes out that meets your search criteria.

Searching your connection’s connections

One of the most overlooked uses of LinkedIn is finding out who the connections in your network are connected to.

Use these simple instructions via LinkedIn

  1. Go to your connection’s profile and click the number of their connections in the top section. This will take you to the Connections box on their profile.
  2. Click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right of the Connections box.
  3. Type your search term into the box and press Enter on your keyboard.Note: The number of results is shown in the upper left of the box.
  4. Click the Next link in the lower right of the box to page through the results. For more searching options, click the advanced search link next to the number of results.

Note: Your connection may choose to hide connections they do not share with you. In this case, you can only search for shared connections.

“It seems that “collecting” contacts over the years will start bringing rewards. There is no LinkedIn limit on search among your 1st degree connections… yet. Even if you’ve encountered the limit, you may always search within your 1st degree connections on your connections page” –

For more updates read about the LinkedIn Publisher Platform

Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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