LinkedIn Shares Top Professional Skills 2014

LinkedIn Shares Top Professional Skills 2014LinkedIn How Businesses Can Share Their Top Professional Skills in 2014

With over 330 million profiles on LinkedIn, they have scoured profiles and come up with the hottest professional skills of 2014.

What does it mean to gain LinkedIn Shares?

Well, according to LinkedIn, these are the top professional skills that “got people hired and kept recruiters searching this past year.”. In that spirit of advancement, we add value to both recruiters and new LinkedIn candidates when they can better visualize what were the hottest professional skills on LinkedIn in 2014. Or in summary, what skills helped more individuals successfully get hired and kept recruiters using LinkedIn for searches this past year.

Whether you are looking for a job or not, it is a good idea to update your skills section and key words throughout your profile as the scope of your professional career changes. Also worth noting, terms have changed that describe jobs over the years so be sure that your profile has the current terms. Updating your LinkedIn profile should be taken seriously, an essential part of every professionals brand reputation, I recommend you review yours quarterly.

Recruiters aren’t much impressed that you’ve simply put up a LinkedIn profile; they want to be able to identify who you are, what you’re skills and experience are, and where your passions will take you. Your LinkedIn profile should offer professionals a look summary of where you work, your industry sector, and business level of professional skills.

Here is the LinkedIn list of top skills:

If relevant, you may want to include some of these 2014 skills & key words in your profile. It will help you get found in search.

1. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

2. Middleware and Integration Software

3. Storage Systems and Management

4. Network and Information Security

5. SEO/SEM Marketing

6. Business Intelligence

7. Mobile Development

8. Web Architecture and Development Framework

9. Algorithm Design

10. Perl/Python/Ruby

11. Data Engineering and Data Warehousing

12. Marketing Campaign Management

13. Mac, Linux and Unix Systems

14. User Interface Design

15. Recruiting talent for identified needs

16. Digital and Online Marketing

17. Computer Graphics and Animation

18. Economics

19. Java Development

20. Channel Marketing

21. SAP ERP Systems

22. Integrated Circuit (IC) Design

23. Shell Scripting Languages

24. Game Development

25. Virtualization

Create a Resume that Shows Off Your Professional Skills

You can check out the entire article about developing professional talent on LinkedIn and see the top skills from other countries as well.

This is your chance to post an out-standing résumé. Many individuals miss a robust format by only including their current job position. Taking the time to detail out relevant and significant jobs that built your skills in the area sought is key. Be concise, not exhaustive. There is nothing amiss with the previous jobs you held, only your best face is to make sure your current resume is tangentially related to the position you are seeking now.

A 2014 study by LinkedIn exposed that when it comes to interviewing and offering positions to early-career professionals, employers consider much more than prospective’s education, experience and job skills. Employers “are also looking for specific soft skills and personality traits — and how these characteristics rank may surprise you, according to the Business Daily News.

8 Top Professional Skills Employers Seek on LinkedIn

1. Individuals who can resolve issues independently.

2. Potential candidates that are fast learner (64 percent).

3. Someone with great problem-solving skills (65 percent).

4. The ability to be adaptable to new situations.

5. The ability to be creatively complete work assignments by thinking outside the box (21 percent).

6. An individual who can demonstrate tech-savvy professional skills (16 percent).

7. Having the ability to collaborate. Employers place high value on the ability of a prospective candidate who can work well with others. (55 percent).

8. A proven strong work ethic. An individual who goes above and beyond what is asked. (52 percent).

Once you’ve connected with a person, you will then have access to their list of connections – this is called your “extended network.” You can request an introduction to people in your extended network through your mutual contact. ~ Mind Tools on LinkedIn

Hiring and recruiting activity levels are high on LinkedIn. Stay appraised of LinkedIn Shares Top Professional Skills that continually are updated right here. Call me at 951-902-3263 for guidance.

There are numerous ways to grow yourself professionally with LinkedIn. Call us for help and insights on how to Develop Your Professional LinkedIn Strategy


LinkedIn Shares Top Professional Skills 2014

LinkedIn Shares Top Professional Skills 2014

8 Top Professional Skills Employers Seek on LinkedIn

Owner of LinkedIn for Business
December 28, 2014
Updated: January 12, 2016
Recruiters are much impressed that you’ve simply put up a LinkedIn profile; they want to be able to identify who you are, what you’re skills and experience are, and where your passions will take you. Your LinkedIn profile should offer professionals a look summary of where you work, your industry sector, and business level of professional skills.

Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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