LinkedIn Updates You Should Know About: April 2024

#1 – From the HOME tab you see a snapshot of your profile.

Previously the stats under your photo were: Profile Viewers and Post Impressions. Now you see in the image below, this has changed to show you the number of connections and any pending invitations.

#2 – Change to ‘Followers’

For anyone who has turned on the Creator Mode feature, you now see a blue invite button which turns to a Follow button. I have written extensively about this topic, so I won’t go into details again. What I want to point out is now in settings under visibility-> followers – you can choose who if you want to make ‘Follow’ your primary vs ‘Connect’ and who you want to follow your work.

As I’ve written about previously, people can still invite you to connect but if you are an active content poster and known in your industry for good content – you want your network to follow your work! They don’t need to be a connection.

#3 – Your Email Visibility

This is a good time to review ALL your settings as LinkedIn changes them without notification to the users.

#4 – Date you connected

As many of you know I am a huge proponent of leveraging the network you already have. With that said, you can see the date you actually connected by going to the persons ‘Contact’ section of their profile.

If you haven’t contacted someone in a while, this can be valuable information.

#5 – Company Pages

Custom buttons on your company page have changed. Previously you had the Message button and the Custom button now as you see in the illustration below, you need to click the 3 dots… for the more dropdown menu to select the custom field you added.

According to my colleague Lynnaire Johnston, she reported a work-a-round to display your custom button by turning OFF your Message button to which will be replaced with your custom button. In my case I chose ‘Visit website’
I have only had one or two people message me via my company page so I am OK with this and people need to ‘Follow’ the page to message you.

If you are creating a post on your company page with a link, you know that the URL pulls an image from the webpage and it isn’t always what you want to see in your post. Now you can edit the image and replace it without changing the URL.

#6 – Improved Search

Searching LinkedIn for topics is a great way to find out what is happening in an industry or topic within an industry where you can use the results for competitive research or find content where you could comment with your expertise raising your visibility.

From the search bar type in a topic or keyword -> next click on the filter for ‘Posts’ -> Content Type, where you can now refine your search to: Videos, Images, Job Posts, Live Videos, Documents, or Collaborative Articles.

Another powerful filter is ‘From Member’ – where you can search posts from one specific person.
Using this for competitive research, prospecting and industry information saves time and keeps you focused on the people you most want to engage with and influence. (Additionally select the filter for ‘latest’ so you see the most current posts first).

I provide the latest updates that affect those using LinkedIn for business and those making career moves. Subscribe to my email updates so you don’t miss any new features, updates and great tips!

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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