Mastering LinkedIn Newsletters: A Step-by-Step Guide to Boost Your Business Visibility

LinkedIn Newsletters

In today’s competitive digital landscape, standing out on LinkedIn is more important than ever for businesses looking to connect with their audience and build authority. LinkedIn newsletters have emerged as a game-changing tool for achieving just that.

Combining the reach of social media with the intimacy of email marketing, LinkedIn newsletters allow businesses to engage their audience with valuable, targeted content. Whether you’re looking to grow your following, build trust, or drive more leads, this guide will walk you through how to master LinkedIn newsletters and use them to elevate your brand’s visibility.

LinkedIn Newsletters reach people who may not be on your email list

LinkedIn newsletters offer a unique blend of traditional email newsletters and blog posts, providing a dynamic way to engage your audience. They stand out from regular LinkedIn articles thanks to their robust distribution features, ensuring your content reaches more readers.

When you publish a newsletter on LinkedIn, it benefits from three key distribution methods:

1. Direct Email to Notify Subscribers: Each newsletter edition is sent to the notifications tab of anyone who has subscribed to your newsletter.

 Direct Email to Notify Subscribers

2. LinkedIn Newsfeed Post: Every new edition is shared as a post on the LinkedIn newsfeed, broadening your content’s exposure to your network.

LinkedIn Newsfeed Post

3. Platform Notifications for Subscribers: Subscribers receive a notification on LinkedIn whenever you release a new edition, keeping them informed and encouraging engagement.

Platform Notifications for Subscribers

When you think about it, this is an incredible distribution strategy that significantly enhances the visibility of your content, making LinkedIn newsletters a powerful tool for reaching and engaging your target audience.

LinkedIn Invites Your Network

When you launch a newsletter, LinkedIn automatically notifies your existing connections and followers. While you can’t control the text of this initial announcement, you can maximize impact by publishing your first article simultaneously with the launch.

Additionally, every new follower you gain receives an invitation to subscribe to your newsletter.

LinkedIn Invites Your Network

The newsletter format fosters greater interaction by displaying comments alongside the content on desktop, making it easier for readers to engage in visible and accessible discussions.

These comments are seamlessly pulled from both the newsfeed and the article view, consolidating conversations into a single thread. This unified discussion not only encourages community-building around your content but also amplifies its reach, extending its visibility beyond just your subscriber list.

Before Setting Up Your Newsletter

When the newsletter feature was rolled out I wrote an article on things you should consider before committing to a newsletter and they include:

What is the goal of this newsletter?

  1. Can I truly add value with a newsletter? (this means it is not a self-promotion tool)
  2. Can I maintain a consistent schedule that my network can count on?
  3. How often can I realistically publish?
  4. Will I be able to maintain this long-term? (if not, best not to start)
  5. How will your newsletter stand out in your industry? (there is a lot of online noise)
  6. What will I title my newsletter? (can’t be boring or people won’t subscribe or read)

How to Set Up Your LinkedIn Newsletter

  1. The process of creating a LinkedIn newsletter begins with writing an article.
  2. From the HOME page, go to ‘Start a Post” and Click “Write an article”
  3. Look for the “Manage” blue button from drop down menu in upper Right corner
  4. Select “Create newsletter” from the drop down selection
Create LinkedIn Newsletter

Publish from Your Personal Profile or a Company Page

Company pages work well if you have a fairly large following and well-known brand. Additionally, you may want to have multiple team members to aid in curating the content, while publishing from your personal profile may be better if you have more connections & follower’s than on a company page and want to build your own personal brand vs a company brand. This is a much better strategy for small business owners.

Company pages can maintain a higher publishing frequency than from personal profiles, particularly when a dedicated team is available to create content. Many thriving company newsletters share updates daily or weekly without negatively impacting engagement, as subscribers often anticipate and appreciate consistent updates from new employees to product or service announcements.

Tips for Growing Your LinkedIn Newsletter Subscribers

These strategies will help expand the reach of your LinkedIn newsletter:

  1. Include a link to your newsletter in your email signature
  2. Add your newsletter to the ‘Featured’ section of your profile.
  3. Promote your newsletter through other social platforms with a link

Crafting Your LinkedIn Newsletter

The newsletter template is similar to a blog in that you can create headlines, and sub headlines, bold and italicize text for effect and add images. The photo editor doesn’t allow much manipulation so be prepared for that.

  • Mix up the paragraphs and limit long, single-spaced paragraphs.
  • Add images and video to enhance your message.
  • Limit outbound links – people will not likely follow them especially if you are asking the reader to go to another article.
  • Make your newsletter skimmable.
  • Always add a call to action at the bottom.


LinkedIn newsletters have been a great marketing tool since they rolled out. If you follow the tips and tactics in this article, you can create a newsletter that is inspiring and engaging to your reader while building further brand awareness.

If I can help implementing a newsletter strategy, please email me: [email protected]

I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter as an example of my styling and content.

Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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