What is important to understand about LinkedIn is that they will remain the #1 social platform for professionals with 1B users globally, and they are investing in making the platform better every year.
There were more than 150 updates on LinkedIn in 2023 and more to come in 2024. If you subscribe to my email list you will receive these notifications via email. This is important because LinkedIn does not contact its member to let them know the latest updates, rather they rely on experts such as myself to share this information.
Which LinkedIn Features are Important?
That may depend on how you use LinkedIn and for what goals. To be a savvy LinkedIn user it pays to know what new features might be helpful to you and to know what they have changed. My goal is to share those most important updates that I believe the majority of people who read this blog will find useful – so I sift through this for you.
Creator Mode – Hashtags
If you have the creator mode feature turned on, you are given the option to add 5 hashtags about the subjects you speak about or have expertise in that appear below your headline of the top card. You will notice these have been reviewed from your profile on the desktop version, but not on mobile.

Creator Mode settings continues to show 5 topics you talk about – I suspect this will be removed in the future.

How you search for hashtags on LinkedIn changed last fall and I wrote about how you do that now in this article.
They are still important to add 3-5 in the footer of each of you posts to identity the topic of your post.
Home Feed Follow Suggestions
As you scroll the home page newsfeed you will notice new suggestions from LinkedIn on people and companies to follow based on others in your network. In the image below on the left you see a network connection of mine reacted to a post by someone in their network and it is now suggested to me.
The image on the right shows someone in my network followed by a suggestion to join a group and follow a particular company.
Interesting, but I’m not sure this is relevant, we always have to use our own discernment on who we follow and connect with.

Event Reminder
If you are hosting events and you have invited speakers, there is now an option added to events prompting the ability to send a reminder to your speaker.

Click on the Search Bar
By clicking on the search bar I now see a drop down with a suggestion on topics I could search for and I notice “Jobs on the rise” is new and are some current topics in the news.

I guarantee there will be many more updates to LinkedIn this year, so check back on this blog
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