From Novice to LinkedIn Expert

A Practical Guide for Business Owners, Consultants & Salespeople to Effectively Use LinkedIn for Marketing. Download your free copy now.

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The biggest challenge that holds talented professionals like you back from standing out from the crowd, building credibility and having a network of valuable connections is visibility, planning/strategy and influence

If you master these, you’ll drive more opportunities and sales with less effort.

Key takeaways from this eBook

Understanding the LinkedIn Landscape

Standing Out from the Crowd

Building a Relevant Network

Crafting Engaging Content

Maximizing Engagement of Your Posts

Analyzing and Improving Performance

“JoAnne has assisted me several times in LinkedIn consulting and marketing, in developing my Profile and learning how to use LinkedIn for marketing. She is an outstanding instructor, very knowledgeable and patient, and articulate.

Don Keysser

Business Finance Consultant, Investment Banker

Lindsey Kratzer

“I had the pleasure of working with JoAnne on my LinkedIn strategy as I embarked on a career shift. She did a fantastic job helping me shift the tone and content of my LinkedIn profile to reposition myself and provided valuable coaching on how to better utilize LinkedIn for my growing business.”

Lindsey Kratzer

Fractional Leader | Healthcare Strategy Consultant

JoAnne Funch

Hi, I'm JoAnne Funch

Chief Connection Officer

With a Plan, demonstrated credibility, added value, and Curiosity.

My goal is to create LinkedIn & relationship-building strategies for business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders that drive visibility, increase engagement, and build influence for more impact, credibility and income.

Since 2008, I have worked with hundreds of individuals, and what I know for sure is that you are more than your title!

JoAnne Funch

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A Practical Guide for Business Owners, Consultants & Salespeople to Effectively Use LinkedIn for Marketing.