Mastering LinkedIn Newsletters: A Step-by-Step Guide to Boost Your Business Visibility

LinkedIn Newsletters

In today’s competitive digital landscape, standing out on LinkedIn is more important than ever for businesses looking to connect with their audience and build authority. LinkedIn newsletters have emerged as a game-changing tool for achieving just that. Combining the reach of social media with the intimacy of email marketing, LinkedIn newsletters allow businesses to engage […]

7 LinkedIn Mistakes to STOP Doing to Be Taken Seriously

7 LinkedIn Mistakes

As an independent LinkedIn consultant, I have a professional obligation and reputation to maintain when I engage with my LinkedIn network and teach others how to best use the platform to meet their goals. With that said, I may even call people out when I think they are trying to ‘game’ LinkedIn for their gain […]

How can we persuade LinkedIn connections to say yes?

How can we persuade LinkedIn connections to say yes?

If you’re using LinkedIn as a prospecting tool then you are likely to face the question, how can I persuade people to say yes? Often, it’s getting a prospect to say yes to a phone call, scheduling an appointment or a referral to a someone else you want to do business with. Before you can […]

Do LinkedIn Recommendations Influence the Buying Decision?

Do LinkedIn Recommendations Influence the Buying Decision?

Recommendations on LinkedIn signal the visitor with social proof of your value! So whether you are trying to persuade a recruiter to interview you or a prospect to take your call, recommendations do influence the buying decision. According to Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the book “Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion” says, “People are filled […]

LinkedIn: Evidence based Credibility – Why You Need It to Succeed

Evidence based Credibility – Why You Need It to Succeed

Are you skeptical when you read someone’s polished LinkedIn profile or resume and wonder if their claims of success are based on experience and results? In 2024 the use of AI tools for writing can make any of us have glowing accolades. Here’s the deal…do you trust success claims or find other ways to verify? […]

What type of content works best on LinkedIn?

What type of content works best on LinkedIn - blog

Knowing what type of content works best on LinkedIn in 2024 can seem like a daunting task you never wanted to master, but in today’s digital world, people meet us online often before offline we have the ability to build trust and awareness with what we post to LinkedIn. 5 expert tips to help you […]

How to Maximize Visibility Working with LinkedIn’s Algorithm

Visibility Working with LinkedIn’s Algorithm - blog

As with all social media and search engines, algorithms determine what you see online. Algorithms are complex but this article will simplify what that means for you specifically to the LinkedIn platform. Algorithms are rules, signals and data that govern the platform’s operation. These algorithms determine how content is filtered, ranked, selected and recommended to […]

5 reasons why consumer brands should be more active on LinkedIn

5 reasons why consumer brands

Traditionally LinkedIn is a B2B social platform for marketing, but you may want to consider that LinkedIn can also be ideal for brand building and reaching consumers, especially for things that may interest them beyond their professional lives. According to an article from Social Media Examiner, “Among the abundance of work-related content, brands can easily […]

Control Your LinkedIn Feed with More Content You Want to See

Control Your LinkedIn Feed

LinkedIn users often complain about what they see in the newsfeed. It can be more confusing than random; this post shows you several ways to gain control of your LinkedIn feed delivering content you want to see. LinkedIn’s default setting from the HOME tab also referred to as the newsfeed is set to show you […]

[NEW] LinkedIn updates the algorithm affecting the visibility of posts

LinkedIn updates the algorithm affecting visibility of posts

LinkedIn recently said they were getting complaints from users that there are too many posts with personal pictures that were better suited to Facebook, so they have made changes to how the feed works and what you can expect. According to a recent interview published in Entrepreneur Magazine with LinkedIn editor & chief Daniel Roth, […]


A Practical Guide for Business Owners, Consultants & Salespeople to Effectively Use LinkedIn for Marketing.