Newest LinkedIn Updates Driving Engagement & Opportunities

Connection on LinkedIn is available on mobile image

LinkedIn is rolling out some new update the second half of 2017 that should be really appealing to both marketing and sales as the updates are driving engagement and opportunities. It is obvious to me that LinkedIn is working to offer better solutions for users to meet their business objectives. For those of you who […]

LinkedIn Adds Chat Style Interface For Messaging Contacts

LinkedIn Adds Chat Style Interface For Messaging Contacts

LinkedIn has rolled out a new  chat style interface for messaging contacts creating a messaging experience that offers an easier and more lightweight way to have professional conversations with your connections. Top image source – LinkedIn Blog Sep 1, 2015 LinkedIn Adds Chat Style Interface They’ve rebuilt everything from the ground up so you can […]


A Practical Guide for Business Owners, Consultants & Salespeople to Effectively Use LinkedIn for Marketing.