Top 15 LinkedIn Updates from 2022 You Should Use

Top 15 LinkedIn Updates from 2022

There were massive updates (80-90) from LinkedIn in 2022 improving many areas of the platform for users. There is no doubt it was the year for content creators just based on the added features that rolled out when you have the feature turned on. In this article I will recap some of the top new features that most professionals would find value in.

Throughout the year I have included new features in my newsletter and LinkedIn posts, so subscribing to my posts and joining my email list will give you those timely updates. Lastly, you may have simply noticed some things that are different, when you do stop and take a look and se if the change is something positive for you. Here are some examples:

1. Creator Mode

This feature has been written about extensively since 2021. Here is a post to refresh your memory on the Creator Mode Update.

I will highlight some of the features that are available when you have this turned on that I think are most valuable.

  • Add a live hyperlink/URL to a webpage at top of your profile. The link to your website or other sales page is directly under your city and contact info. I love that people have quick access now to my website.
  • Under your Analytics tab, you are shown your top performing posts which you can sort by last 7 days up to a year. Toggle over to the ‘Audience” tab and you now will see new followers and demographics by job title. One of my 8 tips to Improve your LinkedIn Marketing in 2023 emphasizes analyzing your previous years posts for what worked and what didn’t so you can make more informed decisions about the type of content you post in the future.
  • Access to new ways to reach your audience by enabling access to the available tools such as: LinkedIn Live, Audio Events and Newsletters

2. Notifications 🔔 tab

On the top navigation bar, many people tell me they don’t have time or forget to look at their notifications, but I want you to know there is a gold-mine under that tab!

  • An anniversary of when you connected with someone is new. This is a perfect time to send a reconnection message I talk so much about to this connection.
  • Birthdays, work changes – these will show up if the person has the notification turned on in their settings. But think of it this way, these are ideal touch points to reach out to someone putting you back top of mind with them.
  • You will also see notifications of new posts from your network, someone who just endorsed your skills so there is an opportunity to thank them, and you’ll see a notice about someone in your network’s latest post. These are all opportunities if you look at it that way versus one more task to do.

3. Message someone from the comments field in a post.

This is rolling out as I write this post. This feature is fantastic if you see a comment for example in a post and you want to talk to the person more about their comment (as an example) you will be able to click the ‘Message’ tab and reach out to that person immediately.

4. Review your SKILLS section

Earlier this year LinkedIn expanded the skills section so you can attach a skill to a current or past role, education, volunteering, honor & awards, and organizations you belong to. Remember, skills are searchable on LinkedIn and if you want to be found when someone searches for a skill don’t overlook this section. Also if you haven’t updated your profile in a year, you should amend that section now.

You also want to re-order your skills so the top 3 you most want people to know about you are the first 3 you see before scrolling down the section. In the illustration below you see how your skills now show up under each experience listing.

LinkedIn Experience

5. Account verification for profile legitimacy

This feature was designed to protect us from fake profiles. You might want to check this section when you’re invited to connect with someone you may be unsure about.

Phone number verification

You can verify your phone number by associating it to your LinkedIn account and confirming it through the code sent to your phone. After confirming the number, you’ll see a verification on your “About this profile” card. For details on how this verification works and the steps to verify, click HERE.

NOTE: If you have been on LinkedIn awhile and you had a primary phone number in your settings, your profile may have automatically been verified. Check that first by locating ‘About this profile’ in the drop-down menu under the MORE button at the top of your profile. (See graphic below)

LinkedIn Verification

6. Add a Clickable Link to Your Posts

Add clickable links in LinkedIn post

This is a effective new feature for directing visitors to a page related to the post image. You can add a live link, page link and tag a person to image or video
Encourage your followers to take action directly from your content by adding a clickable link to image or video posts.

Important to Know

This feature is being gradually rolled out and may not be available to you at this time. Right now, you can only add a clickable link to image or video posts on the LinkedIn mobile app. But any member can view clickable links on the desktop website or the LinkedIn mobile app.

NOTE: It’s kind of labor intensive to doing this on the mobile app so I don’t do it often.

7. REPOST a previous post

Allows you to quickly & easily share a post from the past that did particularly well. After clicking “REPOST” I suggest you click on ‘Share your thoughts” – then at the top of then you can click on sharing from you/your profile or as your company page. Add a new comment as to why you are resharing the post.

Repost LinkedIn post

8. Comment as your company page

When you are commenting on other people’s post, you can now comment as your personal profile which is the default setting, OR now you can select under the drop-down menu to comment as your company page. An example of when you might want to comment as your company page might be an industry post when you are adding to the conversation and sharing your expertise. The owner and other commenters will see you as your brand. In fact this is a good brand builder if you are wanting to stand out and be recognzied by the company name.

Comment as LinkedIn company page

9. Now LinkedIn adds captions to video’s automatically

Prior to this update, you had to transcripte your voice into a file that generated the captions in a .srt file which you uploaded after you uploaded your video. Now LinkedIn automatically adds captions to your video once you upload your native mp4 file.
Auto captions are currently only available for English-language videos.

At this time, you can only edit captions once on the LinkedIn website after they’re generated.

It’s important to know that video’s with captions significantly outperform those videos that don’t include captions with more views and reach and about 25% more engagement!

LinkedIn automated caption

10. Audio Events – released earlier this year

They are easy to set-up and run and also joining a video is easy. Available to everyone.
(Like Clubhouse)
Downside – they are not available to company pages and there is no replay. Kind of a spontaneous feature where you can just jump on and listen to the chat being broadcast.

11. Newsletter available from company pages

They display on your company page, easy for visitors to subscribe.

Your newsletter has a separate page and URL. Great for repurposing posts and content.
They layout is similar visually to articles with a header image and places to add video, images and the ability to @tag people.

12. Company pages – with employees


Turn ON the ‘Workplace’ module for your company page. This enable you On-site to show how employees work at your company.

Employees come to work in-person.

Hybrid- Employees work on-site and off-site.

Remote – Employees work remotely.

This information is important to attracting new employees.

Commitments are promises to your employees and broader community.

Attract top talent by showcasing what your organization cares about and what it’s really like to work there. Learn more.

When you turn this feature on from your company page, you will need to include (requirements you need to meet)

  • relevant links to resources
  • public-facing reports
  • accurate credentials to demonstrate the authenticity of your commitments

Do not use this space to:

  1. reiterate your organization’s mission statement
  2. promote your organization’s products and services

13. Open links in a new tab

This is a great feature when including a link in a post because that link opens in a new window allowing people to stay on your post on LinkedIn.
If you’ve been following me for anytime you know I don’t recommend a post including an link simply because you get less reach in the feed with this style post.

14. Subscribe to posts bell 🔔

Receive notifications of other people’s posts by clicking the bell icon. This is ideal for staying up on the posts by specific people you are connected to. A good tip is to follow influencers in your industry to stay on top of what they are posting.

You want to also train your network to subscribe to your notifications by adding this in the call to action of your posts. To see how I do this, go over to my LinkedIn profile/activity and view the call to action on the bottom one of my posts. If they find my posts useful, then they will click the bell to receive my new posts in their feed.

Subscribe to LinkedIn posts

Also when you ‘Search’ on the top navigation bar by name, you see results of the name you are looking for which shows a snapshot of their profile. You are able to message the person and also ring their bell without opening their profile.

LinkedIn search profile

15. Schedule your posts directly in LinkedIn vs. a 3rd party scheduler

Another feature following out the end of December 2022. For those of us that post with consistency this feature is excellent. I have been using this feature and so far am pleased. I wrote an entire article showing you step by step how to find and use the LinkedIn Scheduler HERE.

LinkedIn schedule post

Do you have a favorite new LinkedIn feature you’ve tried? Leave me a comment below, I’d be interested in knowing what you like and are using.

If you need a new LinkedIn marketing or content strategy for the new year, please schedule a call with me and let’s discuss your goals and how I can help you get there faster! Access my calendar here.

Picture of JoAnne Funch

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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