How to turn your profile viewers into clients

LinkedIn for business prospecting is a well-known business tool. One of the most popular features is “Who’s Viewed Your Profile.” If you are a novice LinkedIn user, you may not pay much attention to this feature, but experienced salespeople know the value.

This feature is now only available only to users with ‘premium’ LinkedIn account. I have written a blog post titled “Should you Upgrade your LinkedIn Free Account to Premium” which breaks down all the account types.

Golden Opportunity

Not everyone who views your profile could be a prospect, on the other hand – this is also an opportunity to start to build a relationship with someone who may have interest in you.

This feature is available if you have one of these accounts: Premium Career, Premium Business or Sales Navigator Core. With FREE LinkedIn you will see the last 5 people who have viewed your profile versus premium where you see everyone over the past 90 – 365 days who have viewed.

Another benefit for those with premium accounts is the data you are provided about those who have viewed your profile. In the image below, you see there are many filters to let you analyze and look for commonalities.

It’s important to understand in each individual’s privacy settings, they can switch their profile viewing options to show up anonymously, so you may see no photo or a title & work location only of someone who has viewed your profile.

Reaching out to profile viewers requires a strategy

You could easily offend or come on too salesy or creepy in your follow up. With that said, reaching out to those who have viewed your profile can open doors for opportunities.

It starts with getting clear on who your ideal clients are so you can identify those viewing your profile as possible prospects.

If you are using Sales Navigator, you can open the person profile, save them as a lead and start to engage with their posts over the next couple of weeks and then reach out to them inviting them to connect.

If you’re not using sales navigator, you would still want to engage with their posts and get to know the person before asking them to connect.

Additionally, you could direct message the person who viewed your profile, always with a non-salesy approach.

Here’s one example of a warmup message:

How to get more people to view your profile

Getting profile views is a great objective because it shows your visibility in the market, and I find this comes from both my content and my engagement strategy.

So how do you get more people to view your LinkedIn profile?

At a minimum, getting profile views starts with having a strong LinkedIn profile. First impressions matter as does your public persona demonstrating what you stand for and what happens because of you.
Here are a few resources for creating a great one:

Done for you professional profile update service
Online Course

You can gain more inbound inquiries and leads when you position yourself properly via your profile.

Next, the more people will view your profile the more engaged you are on the platform.

Are you commenting on posts where you can add value? If you do, people will want to learn more about you.

Are you asking questions?

Are you posting content that is insightful and relevant to those people you want to influence? These are all factors that can generate profile views and inbound leads.

Boost Your Sales Pipeline!! Unlock the potential of those who viewed your profile – your next big client could be waiting.

Want to talk about your LinkedIn marketing strategy & how I might help? Schedule a call.

I provide the latest updates that affect those using LinkedIn for business and those making career moves. Subscribe to my email updates so you don’t miss any new features, updates and great tips!

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