Categories: LinkedIn Updates

Latest LinkedIn Updates That Could Get You More Exposure

[June 2024] Here are the latest updates LinkedIn has incorporated into the platform that I believe active users will want to be aware of and implement. Making the platform work ‘for you’ is key because only a small percentage of users will take action and adjust with the changes.

You may not agree with some of the updates LinkedIn or any other social platform makes, but if you are an active user on these platforms you might as well leverage them in your favor.

Creator Mode

Blue Connect or Follow choice was removed. Choose primary button now in settings.

  • If you already have creator mode turned on, you would still be afforded the additional Creator tools: LinkedIn Live, LinkedIn Audio, Newsletters, Follow Link.
  • Newsletters no longer require Creator Mode.
  • No more hashtags indicating the topics you talk about

Here are the latest LinkedIn updates with screenshots

Removing Inactive Connections

Recently I noticed a message from LinkedIn under my network connections that they are removing inactive connections so my connection list may have changed. This is probably a good thing especially for those who never take time to review & remove.

New connection suggestions

Now when you react to a post, LinkedIn will suggest someone you may want to connect with.

Messaging Box Improvements

It’s much easier now to sort and track your messages. You can sort by focused, unread, drafts, my connections InMail and any message your star.

Company Pages

Looks like LinkedIn is putting more effort back into company pages and telling you that people who complete the suggestions actions will grow 4X faster.

Today’s Action Prompts: suggested actions to take on your Page. Actions are automatically generated based on your specific Page, and completing the suggestions can help you improve your Page and grow and engage with your followers. Refreshed daily.

Manage Recent Posts
Track Performance Data
Join Conversations on page you follow

Add the RSS Feed of your blog to your company page

This feature is still being rolled out, as of this writing I was unable to add my feed url.



NEWISH…click link below this list

  • Home Tab
  • Creator Mode Follower setting
  • Email Visibility
  • Date you connected
  • Company pages
  • Improved Search Capabilities


It is important to know about the updates LinkedIn makes to their platform if you want to remain competitive and have the algorithm changes work in your favor.
If you have a question about any of these or past updates, please email me

If you struggle with your LinkedIn marketing, not sure what’s working and what is not

A LinkedIn Marketing Audit is the ideal place to start…

Your personalized audit will contain valuable action items for immediate improvement plus where to take advantage of any ‘low-hanging fruit’ plus updated methods to ensure you are maximizing your LinkedIn efforts.

I will look at your profile, content, network & engagement and let you know where your opportunities are for improvement.

I guarantee at the end of our time together you will learn things you didn’t know and with some small tweaks can improve your results!

JoAnne Funch

Helping business owners and corporate leaders use LinkedIn and relationship building strategies to gain more exposure for their brand so they have more impact, credibility & income.

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