Creator Mode UPDATE May 2024

LinkedIn Creator Mode Update 2024

I’ve written many articles here on this blog on the LinkedIn feature Creator Mode which was originally brought out in 2021. The initial concept was to both encourage and help creators get their posts viewed by more of their network. At the time, LinkedIn was encouraging users to post useful content which if they found […]

Latest LinkedIn Updates That Could Get You More Exposure

LinkedIn Updates June 2024

[June 2024] Here are the latest updates LinkedIn has incorporated into the platform that I believe active users will want to be aware of and implement. Making the platform work ‘for you’ is key because only a small percentage of users will take action and adjust with the changes. You may not agree with some […]

LinkedIn Updates You Should Know About: April 2024

LinkedIn Latest Updates April 2024

#1 – From the HOME tab you see a snapshot of your profile. Previously the stats under your photo were: Profile Viewers and Post Impressions. Now you see in the image below, this has changed to show you the number of connections and any pending invitations. #2 – Change to ‘Followers’ For anyone who has […]

What type of content works best on LinkedIn?

What type of content works best on LinkedIn - blog

Knowing what type of content works best on LinkedIn in 2024 can seem like a daunting task you never wanted to master, but in today’s digital world, people meet us online often before offline we have the ability to build trust and awareness with what we post to LinkedIn. 5 expert tips to help you […]

How to Maximize Visibility Working with LinkedIn’s Algorithm

Visibility Working with LinkedIn’s Algorithm - blog

As with all social media and search engines, algorithms determine what you see online. Algorithms are complex but this article will simplify what that means for you specifically to the LinkedIn platform. Algorithms are rules, signals and data that govern the platform’s operation. These algorithms determine how content is filtered, ranked, selected and recommended to […]

New LinkedIn Features 2024

LinkedIn Updates 2024

What is important to understand about LinkedIn is that they will remain the #1 social platform for professionals with 1B users globally, and they are investing in making the platform better every year. There were more than 150 updates on LinkedIn in 2023 and more to come in 2024. If you subscribe to my email […]

LinkedIn New Features and Updates [October 2023]

For the active LinkedIn user, keeping up with changes offers a competitive edge when it comes to utilizing new features in your LinkedIn marketing. This post shows the recent updates and changes from LinkedIn. Invitation Limits LinkedIn recently put a limit on how many personalized invitations you can send. First, I want to share that […]

[SEPTEMBER 2023] LinkedIn Platform Updates

LinkedIn Updates September 2023

LinkedIn has added new features to the profile to enhance your visibility. The use of hashtags seems to be changing, this article talks about the future of hashtags. New buttons have been added to the profile. The first of which is an option to show if you are looking for a job or are hiring. […]


A Practical Guide for Business Owners, Consultants & Salespeople to Effectively Use LinkedIn for Marketing.